
Tuesday 13 November 2012

Wonderful week

I'll post a little later in my writings in our blog.

First of all, I have to thank our guests about how wonderfully the cooperation has gone.
I hope that we can continue our cooperation as soon as possible.

A few suggestions for Space 3

1. blog and facebook correspondence between students
2. Exercise exchange between teachers
3. business co-operation with educational institutions in different countries


Saturday 10 November 2012

Back in Germany

Now we are back in Germany and i want to say thank youfor the whole week. The week was very nice and i learned a lot from you i hope we can see us again.

Thursday 8 November 2012

Thank you all

Thank you! It was very nice to meet you all and spent pleasant week with you.

I was happy to see how students and teachers from different countries can work and co-operate together. Students worked together in workshops and they got some new friends from other coutries. I think that is the most important thing in this project. And that we can give them some new experience.

I hope that I will see you in space3- project.

Some ideas for next project:

1. using social media, facebook and blogs etc.
2. knowledge of the architecture in different countries
3. encourage students to speak english
We have had a realy nice week in Finland. We are impresed by the way that the carpenters department are making products that they are selling to privat people og making work in companies.

We had a lot of good excursions - the tree museum, olavilinna and the building side for the new swimmingpool.

We liked - at least the teachers did - the carpenter projekt.

We were surprised that the Finsh workers where so focused on security.

We would like to work in smaller groups with the finish students.

Ideas for the space III.

1. More student involving in acivities both sparetime and projekt items.
2. Energy topics carpenters and electricicians
3. Arcitecture.

In Varpala, was it freezing?

Having fun and new experiences in Varpala

We (actually only the german and danish people) went Fishing, little bit of hiking, sauna and dinner (traditional finish food like lörtsy, sausage, nokipannukahvi = coffee made in a fireplace...and so on).

Nice catch :) Pikes, perch and lahna.

Svend showing us his catch, niiiice pike!

Afterwards we went inside to warm up a little bit. then we had coffee or tee and carelian pie with salmon.

Sami, Anne and Esko.

Finished product and visit in a joiner company

Here is one finished product our visitors made during their visit. The model is taken from Olavinlinna's tower. It is made of heat threated beech.

Visit in Ecutiimi Oy, company that makes furniture for restaurants,


A week in Finnland

1.  The work in the workshop was good, we worked on a clock. Working with the olefins have been good because we have a lot explained ujnd helped us a lot

2. We visited the castle with the danes and we were also shown the school in a museum we were today, we will visit a forest.

3. Such exchange projects are good because you can see how the teaching abroad and the schulln are student